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Ranking of engineering schools: CESI Graduate School of Engineering keeps on growing!

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On 5 January, L’Étudiant published its 2022 ranking of engineering schools.

CESI Graduate School of Engineering is ranked 54th out of 172 schools in the overall 2022 ranking, moving up 18 places from the previous year, with different rankings depending on the criteria.

2022 ranking of engineering schools by L’Étudiant

The school appears in the main categories of this ranking:

  • Opening up to new audiences: 4th
  • Proximity to businesses: 25th
  • Access to the international environment: 109th
  • Excellence académique : 136e

In addition to the ranking categories such as academic excellence, international access, links with companies and new audiences, L’Étudiant offers its readers the opportunity to sort the engineering schools on specific criteria such as the number of students on work-study programmes or the number of students enrolled via alternative admissions.

CESI Graduate School of Engineering ranks high in the following categories :

  • 1stposition for the category “Share of students on work-study programmes”.
  • 2nd position for the category “Share of students admitted via alternative admissions”.
  • 4th position for schools integrating High School Diploma (BAC), Science and Technology for industry and sustainable development High School Diploma (STI2D), Advanced Vocational Training Diploma (BTS) and University Diploma of Technology Studies (DUT) students
  • 4th place for schools organising company events
  • 4th place for the “Number of alumni on LinkedIn” category
  • 1st place when “Number of students on work-study programmes” and “job opportunities in the building and construction industry” are combined
  • 2nd place when “Number of students on work-study programmes” and “automotive, aeronautical, naval and railway industries” are combined.

Usine Nouvelle’s 2022 ranking of engineering schools

On 11 January, the 2022 ranking of engineering schools was published by the magazine l’Usine Nouvelle. Based on the professional integration of graduates, the school’s corporate relations, research and international activities, this ranking places CESI Graduate School of Engineering in 26th place among 134 schools.

With an increase of 18 places compared to last year, CESI Graduate School of Engineering stands out notably for its close links to companies, a key factor for which it is ranked 7th,and for its and for its rate of graduates’ integration, ranked 10th with an increase of 11 places compared to last year. CESI Graduate School of Engineering also holds a strong position in the regional rankings, with good progress in most regions.

Classified in 1stposition in Normandy, Bourgogne Franche Comté and Centre Val de Loire, CESI Graduate School of Engineering is positioned in the top 5 schools in the majority of the regions, except for Ile-de-France where it is in 17th place with the greatest progression (+8 places compared to last year).