
Declaration of Conformity RGAA 4.1 for the website

CESI undertakes to make its websites, intranet, extranet and its accessible software packages (and its mobile applications and digital street furniture) in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

This accessibility statement applies to

Compliance status is partially compliant with the General Accessibility Improvement Framework (RGAA), version 4.1.2 due to the non-conformities and the exemptions listed below.

Test Results:

The compliance audit carried out under the entity’s name that performed the audit shows that:

  • 51.35 % of the RGAA requirements, version 4, are met;
  • The website’s average compliance rate is 87.7 %.

Content not accessible

  • [7.1] Is each script, if necessary, compatible with assistive technologies? (minor NC)
  • [12.3] Is the “site map” page relevant? (minor NC)
  • [7.1] Is each script, if necessary, compatible with assistive technologies? (minor NC)
  • [7.4] For each script that triggers a context switch, is the user notified or has control over it? (minor NC)
  • [12.8] In each web page, is the tab order consistent? (minor NC)
  • [6.1] Is each link explicit (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [10.2] On each web page, does the visible content carrying information remain present when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [3.3] On each web page, are the colours used in the interface components or the graphic elements carrying information sufficiently contrasted (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [8.2] For each web page, is the generated source code valid according to the type of document specified (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [9.3] In each web page, is each list properly structured? (minor NC)
  • [10.5] In each web page, are the CSS declarations of element background and font colours used correctly? (minor NC)
  • [8.7] In each web page, is each language change indicated in the source code (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [9.3] In each web page, is each list properly structured? (minor NC)
  • [12.3] Is the “site map” page relevant? (minor NC)
  • [8.9] On each web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected? (minor NC)
  • [11.5] On each form, are fields of the same nature grouped together, if necessary? (minor NC)
  • [8.9] On each web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected? (minor NC)
  • [9.2] On each web page, is the document structure consistent (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [10.7] On each web page, for each element receiving focus, is the focus visible? (minor NC)
  • [8.9] On each web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected? (minor NC)
  • [9.3] In each web page, is each list properly structured? (minor NC)
  • [6.1] Is each link explicit (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [9.2] On each web page, is the document structure consistent (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [9.3] In each web page, is each list properly structured? (minor NC)
  • [10.2] On each web page, does the visible content carrying information remain present when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [10.3] In each web page, is the information still understandable when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [10.7] On each web page, for each element receiving focus, is the focus visible? (minor NC)
  • [12.6] Can content grouping areas present in multiple web pages (header, main browsing, main content, footer and search engine areas) be reached or avoided? (major NC)
  • [8.6] For each web page with one page heading, is this heading relevant? (minor NC)
  • [9.1] On each web page, is the information structured by the proper use of headings? (minor NC)
  • [9.2] On each web page, is the document structure consistent (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [1.2] Is each decoration image properly ignored by assistive technologies? (minor NC)
  • [8.7] In each web page, is each language change indicated in the source code (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [8.9] On each web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected? (minor NC)
  • [1.2] Is each decoration image properly ignored by assistive technologies? (minor NC)
  • [5.4] For each data array with a heading, is the heading properly associated with the data array? (minor NC)
  • [8.9] On each web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected? (minor NC)
  • [2.2] For each table with a table heading, is this heading relevant? (minor NC)
  • [4.1] Does each pre-recorded time-based media have, if necessary, a text transcription or an audio description (except in special cases)? (Major NC)
  • [4.5] Does each pre-recorded time-based media have, if necessary, a synchronised audio description (except in special cases)? (Major NC)
  • [6.1] Is each link explicit (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [10.2] On each web page, does the visible content carrying information remain present when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [6.1] Is each link explicit (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [9.4] On each web page, is each quote properly indicated? (Minor NC)
  • [10.2] On each web page, does the visible content carrying information remain present when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [3.2] On each web page, is the contrast between the text colour and the colour of its background sufficiently high (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [3.3] On each web page, are the colours used in the interface components or the graphic elements carrying information sufficiently contrasted (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [6.1] Is each link explicit (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [8.2] For each web page, is the generated source code valid according to the type of document specified (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [8.9] On each web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected? (minor NC)
  • [10.1] On the website, are style sheets used to control the way information is presented? (minor NC)
  • [10.2] On each web page, does the visible content carrying information remain present when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [10.3] In each web page, is the information still understandable when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [10.7] On each web page, for each element receiving focus, is the focus visible? (minor NC)
  • [11.1] Does each form field have a label? (Minor NC)
  • [11.5] On each form, are fields of the same nature grouped together, if necessary? (minor NC)
  • [11.8] In each form, are items of the same nature in a selection list grouped together in a relevant way? (minor NC)
  • [11.10] In each form, is the input control used in a relevant way (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [11.11] In each form, is the input control accompanied, if necessary, by suggestions to make the correction of input errors easier? (minor NC)
  • [11.13] Can the purpose of an input field be inferred to make the automatic filling of fields with user data easier? (minor NC)
  • [3.3] On each web page, are the colours used in the interface components or the graphic elements carrying information sufficiently contrasted (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [5.4] For each data array with a heading, is the heading properly associated with the data array? (minor NC)
  • [6.1] Is each link explicit (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [9.1] On each web page, is the information structured by the proper use of headings? (minor NC)
  • [9.2] On each web page, is the document structure consistent (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [10.2] On each web page, does the visible content carrying information remain present when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [10.4] On each web page, does the text remain legible when the font size is increased by at least 200 % (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [10.7] On each web page, for each element receiving focus, is the focus visible? (minor NC)
  • [12.6] Can content grouping areas present in multiple web pages (header, main browsing, main content, footer and search engine areas) be reached or avoided? (major NC)
  • [13.3] In each web page, does each office document available for download have, if necessary, an accessible version (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [1.3] For each image carrying information with a text alternative, is this alternative relevant (except in special cases)? (Minor NC)
  • [8.9] On each web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected? (minor NC)
  • [9.3] In each web page, is each list properly structured? (minor NC)
  • [10.2] On each web page, does the visible content carrying information remain present when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [3.2] On each web page, is the contrast between the text colour and the colour of its background sufficiently high (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [3.3] On each web page, are the colours used in the interface components or the graphic elements carrying information sufficiently contrasted (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [6.1] Is each link explicit (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [7.1] Is each script, if necessary, compatible with assistive technologies? (minor NC)
  • [7.4] For each script that triggers a context switch, is the user notified or has control over it? (minor NC)
  • [8.2] For each web page, is the generated source code valid according to the type of document specified (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [9.2] On each web page, is the document structure consistent (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [9.3] In each web page, is each list properly structured? (minor NC)
  • [10.1] On the website, are style sheets used to control the way information is presented? (minor NC)
  • [10.2] On each web page, does the visible content carrying information remain present when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [10.3] In each web page, is the information still understandable when the style sheets are disabled? (minor NC)
  • [10.7] On each web page, for each element receiving focus, is the focus visible? (minor NC)
  • [11.1] Does each form field have a label? (Minor NC)
  • [11.2] Is each label associated with a form field relevant (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [11.5] On each form, are fields of the same nature grouped together, if necessary? (minor NC)
  • [11.8] In each form, are items of the same nature in a selection list grouped together in a relevant way? (minor NC)
  • [11.10] In each form, is the input control used in a relevant way (except in special cases)? (minor NC)
  • [11.11] In each form, is the input control accompanied, if necessary, by suggestions to make the correction of input errors easier? (minor NC)
  • [11.13] Can the purpose of an input field be inferred to make the automatic filling of fields with user data easier? (minor NC)

Drawing up this accessibility statement

This statement was drawn up on 16 October 2023.

The compliance audit was conducted by the consultant Julie Leroy and coordinated by the Oonops agency (

Technologies used to create

The version used to carry out the tests is version 4.1.2 of the RGAA.

The technologies used on the website are as follows:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JQuery

Test environment:

The content rendered using assistive technologies was tested in accordance with the test environment described in the RGAA 4:

  • Windows NVDA / Firefox
  • Samsung Chrome / Talback
  • Macbook Safari / Voice Over
  • Iphone Safari / Voice Over

Tools to assess accessibility:

The following tools were used to check accessibility:

W3C Validator :

  • Headings map
  • Stylus (custom style sheets)
  • ARC Toolkit
  • Web developer toolbar
  • WCAG colour checker, Colour contrast analyser
  • Browser code inspector

Website pages that have been checked for compliance

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access any content or service, you can help us improve our website accessibility by reporting any problems you encounter. To do so, send us an email at


If you notice an accessibility defect preventing you from accessing any website content or functionality, report it to us and if you are unable to get a response from us, you have the right to send your complaints or a referral request to the Ombudsman.

There are several ways to do this: