Flood monitoring from space for Thailand: student engineers from the Angoulême campus are building a prototype for the Thai space agency.

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In August 2019, floods caused about 30 deaths and 23,000 people were relocated in the Bangkok area. The country is having some difficulty estimating the extent of the damage that occurs every year.
Flood monitoring from space for Thailand
Three student engineers trained on our Angoulême campus have initiated a project dedicated to monitoring Thai floods from space. Commissioned by GISTDA (Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency), the Thai space agency, this monitoring project aims to provide the Thai space agency with accurate information, updated daily. The purpose of this project is for the government to have all the elements it needs to make appropriate decisions and limit damage. This project is a functional prototype of a satellite that will help validate the principle. It will be called FLOODSAT-1 and is expected to be completed by the end of June 2020.
Our student engineers rely on the teachings received throughout their training: project management, entrepreneurship, basic sciences… Moreover, this project is made possible through individual experiences: in the aerospace and energy systems sectors, remote sensing by drones or mechanics and 3D computer design. All these associated skills allow the completion of thermal and thermodynamic studies on the “small satellite” and the prototype building as well as studies of the material resistance. This project is a great experience for these student engineers and a great showcase for CESI Graduate School of Engineering.
Thailand has only participated in the construction of a few satellites and only two belong to them!