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CESI Graduate School of Engineering offers a growing number of dual degree courses for its students. In addition to the now famous double courses offered at the Université du Québec in Montréal (UQAM) in Software Engineering or for a Master’s degree in Research-oriented Computer Science, there are also double courses for Industrial Engineering and many other options for students in the computer science specialization.

CESI Graduate School of Engineering

Therefore, from this year on, our students will be able to study at Laval University in Quebec City for a Master’s degree in IT computer science – research or professional -, or for a Master’s degree in artificial intelligence.

At the University of Sherbrooke, they are currently offered the Master’s degree in Engineering programs (aerospace, electrical, IT computer science, mechanics,), or the Master’s degree in Engineering Management and probably soon the Master’s degree in Science option “Video Games”.
In collaboration with the School of Higher Technology (ETS), a partner as old as UQAM, and also based in Montreal, all the Master’s degrees of engineering programs will be accessible to our students: mechanical engineering, aerospace, environmental engineering, automated production, information technology, etc…
In addition, our Californian partner, the University of California Riverside, offers our students a postgraduate diploma in management, entrepreneurship, Big Data technologies and bio-engineering.
All these programs are opportunities to internationalize and enhance the career path of our students.

Other dual career paths are planned with Argentina, Mexico, Germany and Ireland among others. To be continued!