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International photo competition: our students are CESI ambassadors all over the world!

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As part of their training at CESI, engineering students must spend at least one semester abroad. This international experience allows them to complete their knowledge and to obtain a multicultural vision, which is useful for their personal and professional development.


As part of their training at CESI, engineering students must spend at least one semester abroad. This international experience allows them to complete their knowledge and to obtain a multicultural vision, which is useful for their personal and professional development.

In order to highlight this rich experience that is inherent to their training, multiple campuses encourage them to share their memories by organising a photo competition. Students send a photo that meets different criteria, established beforehand by the campus, which then selects the most beautiful student photos.

La Rochelle Campus

On 24 November, during the International Day, the La Rochelle campus announced the names of the three winners of the second photo competition edition in La Rochelle, open to all year 4 engineering students. Jean-Stéphane, David and Nicolas made it to the competition podium with beautiful photos of themselves during their exchanges in Malaysia and Vietnam, and won Smartboxes and Wonderboxes, allowing them to live new experiences.

Angoulême Campus

In Angoulême, the 4th photo competition edition was held last November. Students had to show their creativity, as the competition was based on capturing a unique setting, emphasising the local culture, landscapes or iconic places. Finally, in the spirit of representing CESI abroad, students had to wear their CESI polo shirts on their various international photos! Anaïs, Julien and Laura all won Smartboxes and Wonderboxes for their photos taken in Italy and Canada!

Arras Campus

In Arras, three engineering apprentices were also rewarded for the photos of their student mobility that took place last summer. Tayib, Yann, and Eléonore, who respectively went to Portugal, Poland and Spain for 12 weeks to do their academic exchange, received a gift card worth € 50.

Tayib set off to discover the heights of Portugal, taking his internship in Guarda. This period allowed him to discover the highest region in Portugal and its highest point, to enjoy Portuguese folklore during lovely festivities and to be invited to dine with local personalities of the town.

Yann took his internship in Poland, in Chorzów, at a subsidiary of his French apprenticeship company. This internship allowed him to get in touch with another culture, to learn new work technics but also to discover the cultural wealth and diversity of Poland. Yann was able to visit the city of Krakow, including its main square known for its indoor market.

Eléonore joined a subsidiary of her French apprenticeship company in Bilbao, Spain. Her adventure led her to discover the Spanish Basque Country and visit iconic places such as the filming locations of the Game of Thrones TV show.

Nancy Campus

In Nancy, engineering students also took part in a photo competition. Among the 34 participants, Ewen won first prize for his photo of a fireworks display over the Danube in Hungary, for which he received a Polaroid.

While the Orléans campus has launched this photo competition last month aimed at IT students currently abroad, the Reims, Strasbourg, and Nanterre campuses will join the movement in the Spring, when students taking their courses set off for their training abroad!