BIM Room
The adoption of BIM and digital model is bringing about a real revolution in the construction sector. CESI in line with the requirements of the professional world, provides training for excellence in these technologies of the future on the campus of Nanterre.
BIM benefits

Over budget and over time, waste, quality defects… In just a few years, BIM (Building Information Modeling) has brought new performance opportunities to the construction sector. This working method, designed to promote collaboration between the various building trades, means concentrating all information relating to a construction project in a single database. BIM, with the help of 3D modelling technologies, offers a digital image of the building for use at all stages of the building’s life course: design, construction, operation and maintenance.
By using BIM, teams can supervise the progress of the project in real time and interact dynamically with the digital model, i.e. the 3D graphic representation of the building, with a view to enhancing its design, in other words “building before building”
BIM, a win-win solution for all parties involved in the construction process
The BIM digital model offers a significant challenge to the construction industry, whether to improve the design of the future building, encourage cooperation between the various parties involved or reduce the cost of construction. For the project manager, BIM is a powerful simulation tool: the digital model helps to ensure that the technical characteristics of the building comply with safety standards, and to determine its energy performance.
For companies, BIM simplifies resource planning: the quantity of construction materials required can be planned on a daily basis, and significant savings can therefore be made. In addition, BIM is increasingly popular among clients themselves, who enjoy a very realistic immersion in the construction project, namely with virtual and augmented reality, allowing the client to have an accurate overview of the project’s status.
BIM : new skills, new jobs

In just a few years, BIM has revolutionized the construction sector, leading to a major redefinition of trades. BIM brings with it a new working approach, based on collaboration and information sharing throughout the life of the project. BIM encourages exchanges and collaborative work between the participants around a single central model.
Therefore, new professional profiles have appeared on the job market: BIM manager, coordinator, project manager or even BIM project manager. To remain on top of the market, to enable its students to adapt to the challenges of tomorrow and to open up new career prospects, CESI Graduate School of Engineering has introduced BIM into all its courses in the construction sector.
The 200-hour “BIM digital model” option is intended for engineers who wish to develop expertise in the management and conduct of construction projects using Building Information Modeling. During the one-year course, students work on real-life projects within the company. They are supervised by professionals, all coming from design offices and large groups. CESI Graduate School of Engineering also offers a Bachelor BTP (construction) BIM – Digital Model on the Nanterre campus.
For the requirements of these courses, the campus is equipped with a room specifically dedicated to the modelling of building data and consists of 18 workstations equipped with digital simulation software. The diversity of the integrated software enables the future experts to broaden their field of competence.